Annika has more than 20 years of management experience in Schibsted, Orkla and Bonnier in Norway and Asia. She has an MBA from the Gothenburg School of Economics, and is a certified coach. Annikka focuses on team and leadership development, change management and innovation. In addition to working with top management in Scandinavian and global businesses, Aniika has worked extensively in the public sector through various board positions, including the Norwegian Film Institute. She has a broad perspective, and sees the links between the creation of results and the development of a cross-functional learning culture.
+47 95 03 65 45
Annika Dybwad
Brita A. Stene
Brita is an organisational psychologist, and a sought after consultant and facilitator. She is direct, energetic, humourous with documented results from a multitude of leadership and organisational development processes. Brita is driven by getting organisations to achieve their goals, and nothing could be better than if these goals are also sustainable. Brita works mostly with change,
restructuring, leadership and top team development.
+47 90 20 99 98
Richard Taylor
Richard is an organisational psychologist with an MBA, with experience from many different senior business roles. He has sat in the top management teams of global companies for 11 years, and held, at various times, corporate responsibility for HR, Marketing, Innovation, Quality, IT, Environment, Key Customers, the US market and Commercial Practice. Richard started as a therapist for 10 years before becoming a management consultant for 10 years, running practices in change management, the energy industry and sustainability. After 11 years in corporate management he is back as a consultant. Projects over the last 3 years include post-merger integration, strategy and business
development and implementation, organisational analyses, team development and executive
coaching in both the public and private sectors. Richard also supports the development of social
entrepreneurs through various board positions.
+47 97 08 06 32
Tonje har vært kommunikasjonsdirektør og toppleder i komplekse kunnskapsorganisasjoner i privat og offentlig sektor i 16 år, og har over ti års erfaring som journalist i sentrale norske redaksjoner, før hun ble konsulent i 2017.
Hun har betydelig erfaring med innovasjon og organisasjonsutvikling, endringsledelse, strategisk posisjonering, PR og markedskommunikasjon, kriseledelse og krisekommunikasjon.
Tonje har solid kompetanse på utvikling av digitale arenaer og skriver spill som gir mulighet for realistiske treningssituasjoner, føles ekte og relevante, og gir økt læringseffekt sammenliknet med andre læringsplattformer.
Som konsulent er Tonje en strategisk sterk rådgiver og engasjert støttespiller for toppledelse og organisasjon
+47 90 21 82 25
Tonje Grave
Gunnar Nordli
Gunnar is an economist who has worked with Scandinavian Leadership since 1995. He has broad
experience as a consultant at both strategic and operational levels, providing the kind of value that
maintains customer relations for years. Gunnar has an eye for understanding organisations, with deep competence in developing, implementing, interpreting and following up tailor made measurement surveys. Gunnar is a strong communicator, well liked for his solid, flexible and solution oriented approach.
+47 90 98 23 27
Tina Isnes
Tina is a marketeer who has worked with Scandinavian Leadership since 2002. She is a flexible project manager with broad experience from development, implementation and consultancy in relation to organisational surveys. Tina has extensive facilitation experience, and works best through dialogue with customers. Tina has a bubbly personality and is very easy to get on with.
+47 95 04 86 13
Einar Schwenke
Einar er en godt erfaren konsulent som har lang erfaring med å få folk med på endringsprosesser og til å drive endringsprosesser i egne team og organisasjoner. Med sin unike bakgrunn fra teateret, PR-bransjen, undervisning og coaching lager han programmer og scenarioer som skaper innsikt, motivasjon og vilje til endring.
Einar jobber særlig med å trene mennesker i kommunikasjons- og relasjonsferdigheter. I disse prosessene har metodikk fra teateret vært en essensiell del.
Einar er svært opptatt av hva som skaper god og dårlig kommunikasjon mennesker imellomog har med seg en ro og varme, og en egen evne til å stille de spørsmålene som kan gi nye perspektiver og løse opp i fastlåste situasjoner og mønstre.
+47 99 02 66 69